It’s been about a month since the release of the “Furious 7”. Breaking all forecasts! It’s already confirmed that the movie has grossed $1 billion worldwide, breaking a lot of records!

Paul’s death was so tragic for everyone. The cinema lost one of her best protagonists, the World lost a great man and a great actor, and his beloved people lost one of the best people they had around. So the movie was more and more special because it was Paul’s last time on the big screen. Everybody enjoyed it. Personally, I watched the movie 2nd of April with about 50 other petrol-heads so it will be one of the most memorial movies ever. I can’t deny it that the movie changed its concept since Tokyo Drift back in 2006 but listening to the actors and what they have to say, we will understand that things were more than just a movie. It was the connect between all of actors that reflected on and made the Fast & Furious franchise one of the most incredible “components” of movie industry.
So after all that noise, medias are the ones why are hunting for interviews and stuff. TODAY’s interview is our favourite so we though it’s worth a share. Watching at it makes us understand what that “family” Dom mentions a lot of time during the movie is all about.
Let’s check it out!

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