2400HP Volvo Truck vs Touring Volvo is the coolest thing you’ll see today


The 2400 Volvo truck vs Touring Volvo is the coolest thing you’ll see today!

This is certainly a one in a life time event that Volvo has set up, and we gotta say it is ridiculously awesome. Volvo has decided to do a track battle between the 2400 HP Iron Knight truck, and the WTCC S60 Polestar TC1, an unusual track battle that will certainly be remembered long. The Volvo WTCC S60 Polestar TC1 has 400 horses, and all that power goes into the front wheels, so the touring car is down 2000 horses but then again, the Iron Night is a lot heavier than the WTCC S60 Polestar TC1. One thing is for sure though don’t let the word truck mislead you, as you have never seen a truck like this before. It’s acceleration and it’s agility will amaze you and make you fall in love with it.

Volvo truck vs Touring Volvo