This is a Guinness world record holder car!

Car wheelies on drag races are definitely one of our most favorite things on those straight line races! As always, Guinness is close to us again for a new World Record! Let's check out the video to find...

This how this Prodrive BMW M3 E30 should be driven!

This is really one of the most iconic cars ever! It is the legend of the age of Group A rally! So as a legend, the Prodrive M3 E30 deserves to be one everybody's mind, or, luckily for a few, on their hands....

This is a Subaru Impreza 22B…DIESEL!

This project car is really one of the most special ones...ever! Why? Because, everything started out with a so base model Impreza, and ended up with such beautiful car! And the most special detail, is that...