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1970 Chevelle putting out more than 800HP on dyno

This 70' Chevelle can produce more than 800 Hp ..and can you imagine what a spectacular show will happen on the dyno ? This amazing car is going to be street driven on the 93 octane with help from a Procharger...
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The HATE TANK: Spinning & Winning!

HATE TANK .. what an awesome name for this mighty Road Runner This beast is mean and bad to the bone ,don't you think so? In this video you will see one of the craziest turbo cars to pull up to the line at...
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Dodge versus Ford Tug of War at Wapak Tug Fest

Make sure to watch this aggressive battle at Wakpak Tug Fest 2013 where a Dodge and a Ford are puted head to head for e real fight Which one wins and which one you think is stronger ? Furthermore watch the...
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‘70 Camaro SS Vs Tubbed Nova (Quarter Mile)

Another great race ! We also love quarter mile ! This video is form last season during the Super Chevy weekend and shows a very clean ’71 Chevy Camaro SS that is going up against Chevy Nova.What an amazing...