Willys Go Devil

Engine Of The Week: Willys Go Devil L134 engine.

This week on GT Speed, we feature the Willys Go Devil engine. “War doesn't determine who is right, only who is left.” War times are unfortunate, and have plagued human history since the very beginning,...
Self driving cars

Are Self driving cars the answer we need?

Self driving cars: bringers of utopia or useless endeavor? By Omar C. Autonomous vehicles are sometimes presented as the ultimate solution to all of our transportation needs, championed by environmental...
pickup truck

This 1500 hp pickup truck is insane – GT Speed

A 1500 hp diesel pickup truck clocks in an insane quarter mile. For non car people, a diesel truck is just a vehicle for hauling stuff around, and maybe towing something. But for a gearhead, anything on four...
murder nova

Murder Nova gets an engine rebuild – GT Speed

  The ever famous Murder Nova is back with a rebuilt engine. What can be said, that hasn't been said, about this iconic drag machine? After head gasket issues, the engine was due for a rebuild, and...
most dangerous road in the world

Most dangerous road in the world – GT Speed

The most dangerous road in the world is captured on video, and it's amazing. Within the confines of the Himalayas, there is a road so dangerous, it is literally driving on the ragged edge of a mountain. From...