Epic rally battle WRC vs Truck!

Jari-Matti Latvala (FIN) , Airat Mardeev (RUS) perform during Ouninpohja Jump 2016 in Ounipohja on August 1. 2016 Rally battles are a common thing in today's car society.But have you ever seen,a battle...

Check out the first ever 7 sec. Lamborghini Huracan

After running 8.55 a week ago,UGR decided to upgrade their car with the newest 10 plate Dodson clutch,and got back there.After understanding the amount of power that the Dodson clutch can handle,they...

The Audi R8 advert got banned!

The Advertising Standards Agency has ruled that Audi’s eye advert can’t be shown on TV in the UK. It might seem ridiculous but its true.Audi’s advert so called “The Eye”,can’t be shown on TV...

Here’s how you fix a broken odometer.

Keeping track of your miles is very important,especially if you want to know how your car is running,and when is time to service your car.Chris fix makes this problem very easy to fix. Now if both the...

Is this the new E63 AMG Black Series?

We all know and love the Black Series line of Mercedes.The cars they have made,are absolutely crazy. Some that come in our minds are,the CLK 63 AMG Black Series,which had enough power to make you regret...

An easy way to press out the pilot bearing.

To some people this might seem as a silly idea,but it really works. Pressing out the pilot bearing is pretty messy,and it requires grease,which makes it even more messier.So grease gets pumped into the...