This V8 powered bike is no joke!

We all love custom bikes, but this one is on another level with a V8 motor! With this bike you’re pretty much just sitting on an engine with two wheels so you know this thing has to fly! These big engine...

Ugly images come from Moto3! Fenati and Ajo clash!

It's well known for everybody that sports in general are so hard mentally. You may get angry while playing football, tennis, cycling, snowboarding or even racing. The same happened while last weekend’s...

Tuned R35 Nissan GT-R wrecks at 220mph!

Those high speed straight line runs are so epic but so dangerous too! The guy behind the wheel of this Extreme Turbo Systems GT-R experienced something like that. After going 220MPH @ 1/2 mile, something...

LSX Jeep Willys trolls Corvettes on a street race!

+700HP and about 180MPH Willys. That's crazy! No rollcage, no doors, no seat belts, no windshield. Basicly the same vehicle US army drove during WW2. It is LSX powered which is well known as one of the...