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Blastolene B-702

You’re looking at $475K worth Blastolene B-702 built by Blastolene Brothers of course .   Almost 20 feet long it has a V 12 cylinder engine and total leather interior. This is custom through and...

1967 Pontiac Acadian Canso SD

I found this VERY interesting! Check out this SEXY vehicle, the 1967 Pontiac Acadian Canso SD sent in by Paul Mazurkiewicz!!! Now, I have never heard of it before and in case you haven't either, here is what...
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1971 Barracuda Convertible 6.1 HEMI

A whole lot of adjectives come to mind when I look at this car, but ultimately, to me it's just BEAUTIFUL! This is a 1971 Barracuda Convertible (image courtesy of RK Motors Charlotte). It comes with an...

Lego Hot Rod And It Actually Drives! 500,000 Pieces!

Here’s some factoids that the guys who posted the video put in the description: - The engine is made from standard Lego pieces and runs on air! - The engine has four orbital engines and a total of 256...

Dash cam: Tractor crash on Russian highway

Imagine driving down the highway when you suddenly witness a car crashing with a tractor and then flipping right in front of you. The entire incident was captured on a dash camera....