This is how NASCAR engines are made!

Being one of the most popular Motorsports in USA, with a huge audience all around the World, NASCAR, is well known for high speed and very dangerous accidents. They are powered by very powerful engines,...

This V8 powered bike is no joke!

We all love custom bikes, but this one is on another level with a V8 motor! With this bike you’re pretty much just sitting on an engine with two wheels so you know this thing has to fly! These big engine...

Duramax Dragster Engine fails on the dyno!

When working on a car to make it faster, one of the best part is the engine. So after hours and hours of hard work you are finally ready to test it in the dyno. But sometimes things don't go so good. After...

This is Russia’s way to clean carrier decks!

Deffinitely Russia is the Best DIY Country! We can't never get rid of Russia's weird way of solving problems. So, here we go with the next Mother Russia's invention! Foreign Object Debris (FOD) is a huge...

Meet The World’s Smallest Working V-12 Engine!

Meet the world’s smallest working V-12 engine,running so smoothly that it makes so hard to believe this little piece really works. Whoever did this we salute!This thing looks incredible. Furthermore we...