Say hello to Smalltoe: The Smallest motorcycle ever

Well,this was the one of weirdest Guinness world record ever! You better believe us because now you’re about to see the smallest motorcycle ever built! Tom Wiberg from Sweden is the builder of this mini...

2015 BMW M3 F80 vs 1992 BMW M3 E30 DTM at Hockenheim

Known as God Chariot ,the BMW E30 M3 DTM is definitely that kind of car that has made more rage than any other car in the racing world! Its also qualified from Bavarians as world’s most successful touring...

OVERKiLL : The 6WD-Track RC Semi Truck

All you’re seeing now is a 6 RC4WD Evo Predator Truck equipped with four Brushless Roc 412 Tekin motors, one Tekin T8 and RX8 Combo, one Tekin FXR which Controls Smoke Kit, four Gensace Lipo Batteries....