Someone drove a Nissan GTR to Mount Everest

Is it possible to drive a Nissan GTR to Mount Everest base camp? Looks like this guy did. It sounds unreal and it also looks unreal, but there are photos that prove that this owner, really drove his Nissan...

Nissan GTR almost crashes bad in the drag strip.

The Nissan GTR is really a car out of this world, not because of the technology that it houses, but because of the reliability that the GTR engine offers. It can really take a lot of mods and still work...

We found a Nissan GTR Z tune reportage!

The good news is that we found a Nissan GTR Z tune reportage, the bad news is that it’s on French. I can’t understand a single word he say, but I can sure understand the video, and my eyes are melting...

New 2017 Nissan GTR R35 VS Nissan Skyline GTR R34.

With the launch of the new Nissan GTR R35,at first look people thought that the spirit of Godzilla died,and the car went from being a speed demon to a luxurious sprinter. But did that really happened?This...

Nissan GT-R trolls Police Car in Moldova

We know the GTR is fast,we have seen a lot of races and videos proving it. We have also seen a lot of illegal street races get “shut down” by the police and we have also seen a lot of racers running...